Conform BBC (click pe link) autoritatile au ordonat interzicerea accesarii siteului Facebook pe motiv ca o pagina ar fi instigat la postarea de caricaturi a profetului Mahomed. Mai jos sunt cateva comentarii luate de pe site. As aprecia daca oricare din cititorii mei ar posta un comentariu cu parerea lor. Multumesc
I don't think that the court has made the right decision. Now searching on Facebook, I don't see any such group! I am not sure if the court was given the true story with proper proof, or if so, it should be made public too! Having said that, Facebook admins should make sure that such anti-Muslim zealots who plan to provoke such agitation should be banned and such utterly bizarre stuff shouldn't even taken place in the name of any competition! It's ridiculous.Azeem, Lahore
I am a regular user of Facebook. The court has made the right decision. If this thing continues, the authorities should ban Facebook permanently. This is the first time after 9/11 that any institution in Pakistan has given a kind hearing to the voice of the public. Further, if these actions persist, the government should end friendly and diplomatic ties with any country that supports blasphemous acts like this. Asad Fareed, Rawalpindi
No. It is a wrong decision. Ban does not do anything. Are you going to ban eveything on the internet that inflames someone's sensibilities? Stupid! If someone is inflamed and feels hurt, then do not go to that website. Aurangzeb Haneef, Karachi
Yes, I do use Facebook regulary. The court has certainly made the right decision and we strongly support it. People should respect each other's beliefs and exhibit tolerance. We, as muslims, hold nothing dearer than our Holy Prophet and such a disrespectful, blasphemous act would not be ignored or tolerated!Rabia Liaqut, Lahore
I feel that the court should not have blocked facebook and instead let Pakistani muslims use the website as a forum to protest what they felt was wrong and blasphemous. However, I do believe that Facebook should monitor content published on the website and control the formation of potentially volatile groups that could be offensive to certain religions. It is a commonly known fact that muslims feel strongly about pictorial depictions of prophet Mohammad and Allah (God) and, therefore, people should be respectful of that instead of trying to irk muslims and create controversies just to prove that 'muslims' in general are a fundamentalist and unreasonable people who do not believe in freedom of speech. Ansareen, Karachi
It's great action. Many Pakistanies have already left the site. We are happy because we love our Prophet Muhammad more than Facebook. Aqeel Shuja, Sialkot
Singura chestie pe care o am de zis este ca ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu ca mi-a dat puterea de a alege. Orice alt comentariu cred ca este de prisos. P.S. Nu simpatizez facebook nici fanatismul.
Un comentariu:
nu cred ca asa ceva se va intampla , ar fi o absurditate. Daca te uiti pe you tube la diverse filmulete cu tenta religioasa o sa vezi o gramada de injuraturi si tiganeli si nu s-a pus vreodata problema sa se inchida you tube + ca sunt o multime de alte site-uri de socializare sau forumuri unde se injura musulmani cu crestini , protestanti cu atei sau budisti cu mai stiu eu cine . Daca cel care a facut pagina respectiva chiar are de gand sa le faca rau musulmanilor nu cred ca alege sa-si faca cont pe fb si gata a terminat cu musulmanii ....aa a ofensat , ok , si pe mine ma deranjaza niste chestii pe net si pun pariu ca mai gasesc multi pe care sa-i deranjeze aceleasi chestii.
Deci: it's not gonna happen :)
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